Friday, June 11, 2010

The BSC plays on 15 in Bonn

Bonn - The excavators are finally here! In Sportpark Nord is now gewerkelt strong. For in just over three weeks you need to be here all ready. Then is the first home game of the Bonner SC in the Regional League.
Friedhelm Naujoks, head of the municipal building management promises: "The first home game of the BSC takes place on 15 August in Bonn. "And added with a grin:" We're not the Bonn and Wuppertal, SC. "For there the game would have to be relocated, would the work not finished in time.
Naujoks, "We are in a positive pressure situation." And lists what happened in the Sportpark Nord everything now. The focus: security. "The BSC expects to top 3500 games to opposing fans, so everything must be taken into account," says landscape architect Olaf Conrad.
• In the northern curve creates a completely new approach to arrive on the opposing fans to the stadium. Another route to the East Stand will be built as an escape route in an emergency. Total of 1.2 km will be drawn fence to secure the new ways.
• Stones and other missiles must be removed from the roads, as well as roots and other snags.
• The "breakwater" (metal locks on the platform) will be so changed that caused the emergency escape routes and further the risk of injury is minimized.
• Opposite on the covered benches to be replaced by 560 new seat shells.
To date € 270,000 has been invested € 750,000 are in the course of the season for a new scoreboard, the flood light and sound system available.
Why has it taken so long to the craftsmen were moving in the Sportpark Nord? Conrad: "It had to overcome many official channels are much more planned and approved. Naujoks adds: "For the public, all that was not visible. But now the plan is implemented visible. "