Wednesday, February 24, 2010

RTL Mottet a Dr. House

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Primary health care is deleted: Dr. Gregory House, for three years as a notoriously bad-tempered physician on duty at RTL, makes the practice of tight. On 30 June will hold Dr. House for the last time his office hours.
After three years of continuous use soft needs Dr. House. And this despite full waiting room - say, super rates. Allen House fans would say. The Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital will open its doors again. However, until the autumn. But with the new episodes.
The hardest sayings of Dr. House - here> click
Reason for the "Housefreie" Time: The fear that viewers could see enough of the series.
So far, RTL had the breaks between the first broadcast is always filled with repetitions. Because even with the repetition of the transmitters were certainly far more than 20 percent market share.
This time the fans will really suffer ". As a consolation, there are no new. Instead, we must from 7 July repetitions of selected "CSI: Miami" episodes watch the first and second season in a double impact.
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Learn more about Dr. House: Dr. Dr. Kutner is leaving House for Barack Obama> Doctor Series junkies who frequent surgical Panic> Dr. House makes its appearance in German lecture halls> Dr. House now turns entirely by> "Dr. House gets almost half a million per episode> Dr. House - the most expensive man in television>