Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fire heavily charred body found

Cologne - Fire drama early on Sunday in Mülheim. In a four-story apartment house was ablaze an apartment upstairs. A man (50) was killed in the blaze.
Clock against six residents had seen a fiery appearance and smell of fire and alerted the fire brigade. The problem: The house has wooden stairs: The threatened to be caught by the flames. Then would the residents of the escape route was blocked. The firemen could not prevent spreading of the fire in the house.
But for the residents of the apartment fire, there was no escape. Firefighters found his charred corpse on the sofa. Henry H. was known all over the house, lived on the margins of society. He was an alcoholic and mentally confused. A neighbor: "Often he stood half naked in the hallway and told some of his black woman from Africa, which he never had."
With the owner Henry H. had been months since the dispute. For the 50-year-old had received the notice, should take off the end of the month. Reason: He brought unrest to the entire house, there were many Beschwerden.Daher the CID has sealed the apartment as the scene to determine precisely whether it was actually a smoldering butt, which caused the fire.