Friday, March 19, 2010

SPD politician: Suspected child pornography

Berlin - Worse child porn suspect a SPD Bundestag deputies!
Joerg Tauss (SPD) has come under the scrutiny of prosecutors, investigators searched his MPs offices and private apartments.
The Bundestag for the raids on Thursday lifted the immunity of the Baden-Wuerttemberg on deputies. Later it was said by the prosecutor: "We have found it."
It was "relevant material" found worden.Es could be tight for the politicians. According to Spiegel Online, the prosecutor Bremerhaven brought the investigation rolling.
For a man who is accused of dissemination of child pornography had been found two mobile phone numbers from Tauss. A total of 23 contacts are to be recorded, including SMS and MMS. Tauss said to have sent to Bremerhaven's a short video with child pornography on mobile phones. In addition, the SPD politician to have received a DVD of it.
Tauss (55) sit in the Bundestag since 1994, is a media expert, trade unionists. He was also the Data Group. More recently, he had fallen because of his noes to the procedure adopted by the expansion of the grand coalition BKA powers in the discussion. Since 2000 he is chairman of the Working Group Education and Research.
He himself was the child porn suspect yesterday not understand ". Said: "I am innocent. I wait with composure. "He closed even possible acts of revenge and revenge is not sufficient because he was for years with" the scene "busy.
Baden-Württemberg SPD-country boss Ute Vogt said: "This will be elucidated now. Until then, however, is the presumption of innocence. Personally, it is not for me to imagine. "