Friday, April 30, 2010

Crime scene DNA two robbers convicted

Troisdorf - Great success for the police Rhein-Sieg: After one and a half years, they identified two of three robbers who in December 2007, a woman (65) in her apartment overwhelmed.
The thieves had come under a pretext in the rooms of the 65-year-olds. They bound her with duct tape and then ransacked the apartment. Jewelry, cash and precious silk carpets could go with them. Value of the booty amounted to several thousand Euros.
What the criminals did not suspect, the police secured DNA traces at the crime scene and could therefore now two men of the trio (27, 35) from Bonn ermitteln.Weil Wachtberg and detention judge did not grounds for detention, as a recurring, or flight Verdunklungsgefahr saw made the men walk again. A false sense!
"We received indications that the 27-year-old wanted to settle abroad," said police spokesman Mark Grommes. He was again arrested and brought before the custodial judge. Now he sits in custody.
Of the booty so far no trace, the police investigation continues.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Concrete slab falls on a pensioner (76) - she lives

Wermelskirchen Center - The Saturday night will not miss a 76-year-old woman so quickly. For while the pensioner was sleeping peacefully in her bed, she collapsed on the blanket and buried under concrete and screed. The miracle: She survived almost unscathed.
A neighbor was about 1:35 clock by a loud bang from the neighboring apartment and subsequent pleas for help from his sleep was broken. He alerted the police immediately. The officials were very surprised when in the hallway of the ground floor flat of an apartment building in the street Dhünn a totally distraught, and his whole body covered with white dust encountered 76-year-old woman.
Upon entering the apartment, then showed a picture of devastation: the complete concrete and screed filling the timber rafter roof had tumbled down from the approximately 20 square-meter ceiling and landed on the floor or the bed.
Miraculously, the 76-year-old suffered only minor abrasions and lacerations on his face. She was taken to hospital but the treatment to the eye hospital in Cologne Merheim. With the collapse they had received large amounts of lime in the eye.
The property has been confiscated. An associated structural engineers were now all clear for the multiple dwelling. An immediate threat to neighboring homes, he graduated from. According to the Fire Department will be made more detailed investigations of the floors of other houses during the day.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Man impregnated his own daughter 19 times

Sheffield - It is reminiscent of the Austrian case, Joseph F. And it is just as disgusting.
In Sheffield, England, a man (56) and his own daughters in 30 years has raped more than a thousand times. Overall, he impregnated both times 19
Nine children were at the incestuous pregnancies in the world. Two babies died after birth. Another ten pregnancies ended in miscarriages or children have been aborted.
What an ordeal have been through the two daughters? At the age of eight and ten years were raped and two from 1980 - nearly every day he passed away at the two.
They said nothing, because her father threatened them to kill the extremely intimidated girl. They rejected even the presumption of a doctor who suspected incest.
Now the 56-year-old Sheffield was sentenced by a court to life imprisonment. Judge Alan Goldsack said the "Sun": "In 40 years in office, I never staying as something bad like this happens."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Process Posse to a hole in the fence

Dusseldorf - Too much work! The judicial groans from overloading. And then this: Because of a hole in the fence one Düsseldorfer a trial judge had convened.
With five witnesses, two juvenile helpers, a stenographer, a prosecutor and a lawyer.
Because the prosecutor said: "The special interest of the public prosecution is" yes. "And for 50 euros damage! Experts estimate the process to a multiple, without the cost of pre-litigation and attorney fees. Not to mention the wasted time altogether.
Sasha (18) and his friend Alex (29) were at the "Tattag" clearly drunk too much. Later recalled one of the two: "Certainly five liters of beer. Although I drink nothing else. "Thus, the two tumbled before midnight by the Ickerswarderstraße in Wersten. On a fence there was a sudden about the two. With elbow checks they worked eden fence. Splintered wooden slats.
Compared to the neighbor of just smoked a cigarette outside and reported the fact Hausbesitzer.Die the police arrived. The boys were taken to the police station and interrogated. "We no longer know what happened, having drunk too much," they declared unanimously. They had never previously come into conflict with the law.
Then appeared in court on five witnesses. Including two police officers. They were, however, been in vain. Before they entered the witness stand, asked the attorney to terminate the case. Sasha and Alex shared the loss. Each paid 25 euros to the fence owner. And the judge put the case, due to insignificance.
Even prosecutor spokesman Christoph Kumpa admitted to EXPRESS inquiry: "Such a case must be stored accused not mandatory."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

His fear of the amateur chefs

He is the TV-tested German stainless chef Johann Lafer (50) stood in front of countless flocks of the camera, cooked and presented to viewers, almost everything that is edible in German lands.
But now he has a TV appearance of the very different nature, and the first time it has really stage fright. The celebrity chef will enter into the new series "The Koch Arena tomorrow (, 20.15 clock, Vox) to measure and must be as good amateurs - winning the amateur cooks the Vox series," The perfect dinner.
It's the battle of David against Goliath, and Goliath Lafer told the Express: "I was never so excited as now. Either people love me after the program even more - or they will forget me. "
Lafer was afraid of losing his good reputation? "So what is always there. This is like the football trophy. Because sometimes also wins the outsider. "
Not only the opponents and the general sympathy values for the "little" to make it on the stove to create. There is also a jury, the dots between the grade 1 (very bad company) to 10 (super): Former soccer manager Reiner Calmund and bon vivant, gastro critic Heinz Horrmann and "Dining" editor Katja Burghardt, when the test meal did not know who has cooked.
"I was in the recording properly under stress," admits Johann Lafer.
Why did you ever exposed to all the stress - you would have to say no? "I have promised myself not to make big ideas. Only when I stood on the stage, I was really clear on what I've let myself in for. "
The further consequences of the "Koch Arena will be at 11.11. (with Tim maltster), at 15.11. (Martin Baudrexel) and 18.11. (Kolja Kleeberg shown).