Tuesday, April 6, 2010

His fear of the amateur chefs

He is the TV-tested German stainless chef Johann Lafer (50) stood in front of countless flocks of the camera, cooked and presented to viewers, almost everything that is edible in German lands.
But now he has a TV appearance of the very different nature, and the first time it has really stage fright. The celebrity chef will enter into the new series "The Koch Arena tomorrow (, 20.15 clock, Vox) to measure and must be as good amateurs - winning the amateur cooks the Vox series," The perfect dinner.
It's the battle of David against Goliath, and Goliath Lafer told the Express: "I was never so excited as now. Either people love me after the program even more - or they will forget me. "
Lafer was afraid of losing his good reputation? "So what is always there. This is like the football trophy. Because sometimes also wins the outsider. "
Not only the opponents and the general sympathy values for the "little" to make it on the stove to create. There is also a jury, the dots between the grade 1 (very bad company) to 10 (super): Former soccer manager Reiner Calmund and bon vivant, gastro critic Heinz Horrmann and "Dining" editor Katja Burghardt, when the test meal did not know who has cooked.
"I was in the recording properly under stress," admits Johann Lafer.
Why did you ever exposed to all the stress - you would have to say no? "I have promised myself not to make big ideas. Only when I stood on the stage, I was really clear on what I've let myself in for. "
The further consequences of the "Koch Arena will be at 11.11. (with Tim maltster), at 15.11. (Martin Baudrexel) and 18.11. (Kolja Kleeberg shown).