Sunday, April 18, 2010

Man impregnated his own daughter 19 times

Sheffield - It is reminiscent of the Austrian case, Joseph F. And it is just as disgusting.
In Sheffield, England, a man (56) and his own daughters in 30 years has raped more than a thousand times. Overall, he impregnated both times 19
Nine children were at the incestuous pregnancies in the world. Two babies died after birth. Another ten pregnancies ended in miscarriages or children have been aborted.
What an ordeal have been through the two daughters? At the age of eight and ten years were raped and two from 1980 - nearly every day he passed away at the two.
They said nothing, because her father threatened them to kill the extremely intimidated girl. They rejected even the presumption of a doctor who suspected incest.
Now the 56-year-old Sheffield was sentenced by a court to life imprisonment. Judge Alan Goldsack said the "Sun": "In 40 years in office, I never staying as something bad like this happens."