Sunday, May 30, 2010

Biedermann leads season in 5th place

Rome - He let Michael Phelps sovereign again behind him, but Paul Biedermann's great performance as the start of the 4x200-meter swimming freestyle relay before Felix Wolf, Yannick Lebherz and Clemens Rapp filed only rank fifth
Gold went to the United States, which reached with 6:58,55 minutes one of the five world records on Friday. The European record in the forward (7:03,19 min) increased the Russians (silver) Biedermann & Co. again, as a German record remains the brand stand.
Saturday is for Biedermann something else on the program - a visit with Pope Benedict XVI.

Monday, May 24, 2010

No job for sleep caps

Denise (18) from Stommeln has been working since August 2008 at the Bauhaus in Hurth. There she is training as a clerk for office communication.
I have met and interviewed them there. People to fit: This training is not for sleeping caps!
Whether cash office receipt or management - Denise ran be everywhere!
 Denise, why just the training (AB) as a clerk for office communication?
"I learned from my father that" Bauhaus ", the training offers. What I do know what to expect and whether I like it at all, I have previously made a two-day internship. This, I realized that the profession and for me is established. "
How long does it take to AB? "The training usually lasts three years, unless you want to shorten it, then it takes 2.5 years. This happens only if the benefits are outstanding at school and at work. "
What conditions do you bring to the AB? "You should have GCSE completed successfully. Experience in business and management are equally beneficial. You should also be a team player, be able to cope well with stress, friendly, helpful and flexible.
What do you do as a trainee management assistant in office communication exactly? "The activity is very large. In my training I go through the divisions info, cashier, cash office, receiving, baths world and the administration.
Here I learn next to deal with people all processes in a "Bauhaus" market, the customer will notice not one: for example, clerical work in receiving, telephone service, billing and work with the computer systems. "
How much do you earn? "This is regulated by collective agreements. The pay is € 622.12 gross in the first year, second year 692.16 € 791.04 € and the third year. "
And how much leave you? "In the years I have 25 vacation days. But this is dependent on age. "
Your tip: What is important for a good job? "You should be clean and above all, flawless application, on a neat appearance and friendly atmosphere, be team oriented and enjoy working with people."
What do you like most in your training? "I especially appreciate the friendly colleagues, the constant variety and good mix of office, sales and contact with customers. You learn something new every day. "
What is perhaps not? "I can not complain. I like everything here, from colleagues to the office, the activities and the good working atmosphere. "
Is it next to the practice and theory a part? "Yes, my training consists of a dual school system. This means that the practical part I in my business and learn the theory twice a week at the vocational school. "
What are the job prospects? "The acquisition opportunities are" in "Bauhaus very high, as they encourage their apprentices and specifically take on this depending on the power to 90 percent."
 Ulrike Gundlach of the IHK Cologne: "We noted a growing interest in this work and an increasing number of apprenticeships.
It is a demanding cross-section for students with school work and school, of all branches of industry is developing. The trainees are so versatile and have good chances on the labor market. "
A training profile takes her under More info:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Frontzeck "Pitbull" Meeuwis bites in Hoffenheim

Mönchengladbach -
"I've even while running complaints. Ans team training is to not think, "beckons from Thorben Marx.
Does that mean in plain text: Gladbach midfield engine is also in Hoffenheim, and Marcel Meeuwis gets the second time in succession the chance to prove himself as his representative. "I am a vacuum cleaner type. One who conquers like balls, they are next to the players and the right moment the front turns on, "said the Dutchman at himself just as his model Gennaro Gattuso from AC Milan. Meeuwis, "He is a small pit bull, as I also am on the court. One who never appears large in the foreground, but still an important support for the team is. "
Borussia Pitbull is going on Friday to Carlos Eduardo left. The Brazilian national team (four goals, five templates) is the heart of Hoffenheim Offensivabteilung. The foals were in the first leg to feel as Carlos Eduardo turning up in the final period and led his team to the 4-2 victory. "In the first half we played very well and were deserved 2-0 forward. In the last quarter we have lost the order and Hoffenheim had no trouble turning the thing, "recalls Meeuwis and adds in the same breath:" The return game is a rematch, where we absolutely want to score points. I will do everything we can to stop Carlos Eduardo. "

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FC-talents on the ground

Cologne - In-season start was all beautiful. Adil Chihi (20), Kevin Schoneberg (22) and Tobias Nickenig (23) were among the eleven live the FC. Much to the delight of the fans, all three eventually played once in the A-youth of the club, they have managed to ascend to the Rhinelander and professional team. In short, the fan can identify with these guys.
Mid-March 2008: Nothing is so beautiful. All three FC-talent no longer operate. Or how Chihi only sporadically. You are on the ground - for different reasons.
Nickenig and were Chihi again on Wednesday in Munich, where they had already had surgery in late December at the bar. The left-back had last permanent pain and has now been operated on by specialist Dr. Ulrike Muschaweck again at the bar. Bavaria-Doc Hans-Wilhelm Muller-Wohlfahrt investigated Chihi - OP not be excluded as well. The pubis has ignited, the German-Moroccan was modified only by train to take painkillers and play fairly.
While Chihi still irregular but at least went into action, looks bleak in this regard for the former junior player selection Nickenig and Schöneberg. The friends were playing after the twelfth match, after the 1:2 in Osnabruck, not one minute more. They had their chance - and they are not used at that time, argued Trainer thumb today.
Nickenig defender for a precarious situation - his contract expires in the summer. And Schöneberg is scratching their heads. "The coaches just told me again that I train well and do not leave me hanging. But of course I want to play again, "may need to look Schöneberg despite contract until 2009 for alternatives. Honestly, he admits: "For me it was a long uphill, I was uploading free. Now I am sure of my career so far in the most difficult phase. The crash came in the game in Koblenz, because I had played just shit. "
But change will not Schöneberg at any cost: "I come from Cologne, depends on the FC. Perhaps I should now simply because of that. "

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sex-shock primary school children in piglets Beuel

Bonn - sex pig in Beuel. In the area of the Paul Gerhardt Elementary School (Neustraße) two exhibitionists to mischief drive - they bared themselves before children! Parents are on alert.
For the second time slip with their children brought home, where the director informed about the cases. "We have spoken to all the children about the incident and how to behave," she writes.
9. June, against 13 clock: On the ring road surrounding a young man frightened two Viertklässlerinnen. When she came toward him, ripped, he suddenly had his T-shirt, dangling its genitalia out of his pants.
The police checked a suspect shortly after, found his personal details. Witnesses could not identify him, but so far as Schamverletzer.
Three days later, the next case. Again around noon, 13.45 clock. On the nearby playground, Hans-Böckler-Strasse, a man exposed himself to several children. He was wearing black flip-flops. The police did not rule out that we are dealing with him for a second offender.
"Our investigations are underway," said spokesman Frank Piontek. The county service officer is now increasingly on the spot.
See also: Sex piglets masturbated in front receptionist> man masturbating in the car - all the company looked to> Courageous: witness followed Exhibitionist>