Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FC-talents on the ground

Cologne - In-season start was all beautiful. Adil Chihi (20), Kevin Schoneberg (22) and Tobias Nickenig (23) were among the eleven live the FC. Much to the delight of the fans, all three eventually played once in the A-youth of the club, they have managed to ascend to the Rhinelander and professional team. In short, the fan can identify with these guys.
Mid-March 2008: Nothing is so beautiful. All three FC-talent no longer operate. Or how Chihi only sporadically. You are on the ground - for different reasons.
Nickenig and were Chihi again on Wednesday in Munich, where they had already had surgery in late December at the bar. The left-back had last permanent pain and has now been operated on by specialist Dr. Ulrike Muschaweck again at the bar. Bavaria-Doc Hans-Wilhelm Muller-Wohlfahrt investigated Chihi - OP not be excluded as well. The pubis has ignited, the German-Moroccan was modified only by train to take painkillers and play fairly.
While Chihi still irregular but at least went into action, looks bleak in this regard for the former junior player selection Nickenig and Schöneberg. The friends were playing after the twelfth match, after the 1:2 in Osnabruck, not one minute more. They had their chance - and they are not used at that time, argued Trainer thumb today.
Nickenig defender for a precarious situation - his contract expires in the summer. And Schöneberg is scratching their heads. "The coaches just told me again that I train well and do not leave me hanging. But of course I want to play again, "may need to look Schöneberg despite contract until 2009 for alternatives. Honestly, he admits: "For me it was a long uphill, I was uploading free. Now I am sure of my career so far in the most difficult phase. The crash came in the game in Koblenz, because I had played just shit. "
But change will not Schöneberg at any cost: "I come from Cologne, depends on the FC. Perhaps I should now simply because of that. "